Sunday, March 4, 2018

Wasted Glam: Spokane Series

 Spokane Auditions
Really just too comical to not write about.

Woke early Sunday morning after an evening of burning ovens and some light cider drinking. If something spills in your oven do yourself a favor and clean it right away.  Otherwise, there is a good chance you'll be smoked out of your house the next time you decide to cook a tapioca crusted mound of glory: pizza.  

Today was supposed to be an audition for Cutco knives.  The reason why I decided to go was because I definitely thought I had a shot at getting this role.  The script has some quirkiness to it that exudes Becky and the final filming uses a teleprompter!  Using a teleprompter means absolutely no memorization of lines.  Sign a sista up!  My Lyme disease brain can do without the memorization.

I get up, make some breakfast, get glammed and head out the door.  My version of glam is putting makeup on and a bright lip.  I really don't know how to do glam or put makeup on, but this role didn't call for it.  All the more reason for me going to the audition.

 Finding auditions is my weakness.  Probably one of my biggest weaknesses of all time, along with a few others... So, it's no surprise that this audition ended in wasted glam and abandoned buildings.   

I sent a quick e-mail to my agent stating, " Maybe it's the wrong day?"  I think it's safe to say, I did not get this job.

Happy Sunday!

Thanks for reading, Becky